Author: Team BioSakshat

Last update: June 2017

Copyright © 2017 BioSakshat, Inc. All rights reserved.

Define function

Define a function to find maximum values of every column of a matrix.

getcolmax = function(m)
  for(i in 1:ncol(m))
  mx[i] = max(m[,i]);

Call function

mat=matrix(sample(1:50, 50, replace = TRUE), nrow=10);
##       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
##  [1,]   48   29    4   21   40
##  [2,]   34   19   48   16   31
##  [3,]   19   48   18   30   31
##  [4,]   12   38   28    8   30
##  [5,]   47   24   26    8   21
##  [6,]    5   39   45   14   42
##  [7,]   40    4   39   32   43
##  [8,]   21   42   20   43    4
##  [9,]    7   34   23   11   50
## [10,]    7   16    3   26   36
## [1] 48 48 48 43 50